Can't see app sales nor anything on iAd

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Created Oct ’15 Participants 1

I released my app about two days ago, and I am very eager to see how many downloads I've gotten. However, when I click the tab in the "Sales and trends"-section in the iTunes Connect - I get an message saying "Not enough data". I know for a fact that my app has gotten quite a few downloads - at least enough to display them. Is this a common problem with new apps, or just a bug I have to report to Apple?

Also, when I click on the "iAd"-tab in iTunes Connect, I get the following message;

iAd Network is temporarily unavailable

Sorry: We were unable to locate information relating to your account. Please try again later. If the problem persist please contact us.

I have put ads in my app, but it doesn't seem to display. I have searched this up on Google, and as far as I read it's supposed to take a couple of days before it shows. However, how long do I have to wait for the ads to display? And also, how can I get to see my iAd account, as well as my sales and trends?