Fractions and decimals form the basis of much of the math in business. The following table shows you some of the more commonly used fractions and their decimal equivalents. An ellipsis (three dots) after a number means that the digit goes on forever.
Mary Jane Sterling is the author of four other For Dummies titles: Algebra For Dummies, Algebra II For Dummies, Trigonometry For Dummies, and Math Word Problems For Dummies. She has honed her math-explaining skills during her years of teaching mathematics at all levels: junior high school, high school, and college. She has been teaching at Bradley University, in Peoria, Illinois, for almost 30 of those years.
When not teaching or writing, Mary Jane keeps busy by working with her Kiwanis Club, advising Bradley University’s Circle K Club, and working with members of the Heart of Illinois Aktion Club (for adults with disabilities). All the volunteer projects taken on for these clubs help keep her busy and involved in the community.